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Meet the Artist

Hi, welcome! I am Samantha, your new makeup professional. I am a thirty year old, Mexican American woman. I am from the northside of Chicago, so I will always consider myself a city girl. I grew up surrounding myself in all things art. I've always loved  to paint and craft. As I got older, I became obsessed with fashion and beauty. Around the age of twenty, I started to really dabble into makeup. In those days, I would only wear lipgloss, mascara, two poorly applied eyeshadow colors and the occasional false lash, but it didn't take long that I was ready to step up my makeup skills. I wanted to look like the women in Vogue and most importantly, I wanted to feel confident. In 2010, I started watching Youtube makeup tutorials, (now back then there were a fraction of videos available to watch compared to now.) I watched them over and over again. I practiced on myself every single day. Women around me started noticing and asking if I could "make them look like me." Of course I agreed and the more I practiced the better I became. After about six months of practice, I started looking into makeup schools and it wasn't long  before I moved back in with my mama and began school. I was taught the fundamentals of makeup and skin. I was able to work on strangers and test my skills. I excelled! I had finally found my passion. I was more than excited! Being given the opportunity to merge my art and empower my clients was pure joy for me. I was just getting started! Since high school, I had longed to work for MAC Cosmetics, so that's the first thing I did! Well, I applied that is, but sadly I was denied the opportunity to work for the brand. I had to get moving, gain more experience and work hard. I applied for months, to all brands and makeup counters. I was told by every last one that I required more experience. Frustrated but determined I took to social media, and I offered makeup services to friends and family. After a year of freelancing for myself, I went back to apply for makeup counter positions. One of the last resumes I turned in was with Lancome. The manager skimmed through my resume and asked, "Why do you continue to apply here?" My answer was, "Because I know I can do this job and I know I can do it well. If you don't hire me this time, I'll just see you again in six months, I won't and can't give up". Just like that I landed myself an interview and got the job.  I knew I needed more experience, but I was determined to push myself. I was ready to become a true professional. I worked two jobs for a few years to make ends meet and gain the needed experience. I was exhausted, but I prevailed. Through the brands I worked for I was able to work on men and women of all ages, races, and sizes. My freelance business was growing, and in 2014 I gathered the courage to apply for the coveted MAC artist position once again. This time with three years experience under my belt, some time with the prestigious brand, Dior, as well as seven previous interviews, I was finally, officially, a MAC Artist! I spent six years with MAC. I was able to grow and fall even more in love with makeup and making my clients feel beautiful and confident. I was given great opportunities with the brand. I worked backstage at fashion shows, was given some celebrity clients, and even worked on some musical sets. I moved on to education and management with MAC, which was an amazing opportunity, to take my beauty career up a notch. Makeup education quickly became a new-found passion for me and empowering my clients was taken to a whole new level. Giving women/men the confidence building tools and techniques to take home with them and use every single day, was an accomplishment for me. The feedback I received was groundbreaking. I had took what I learned from all the great artists I was privileged to work next to/under over the years, mix it with my own art/style, and become a great success. In 2020, my time with MAC came to an end, and my long awaited focus on my own brand came to the limelight. So here I am. Grateful, skilled, and more eager than ever. I believe in my art. I believe in the quality of service I provide, as well as my professionalism. I remember what it was like in the beginning, not makeup savvy but interested. I remember my constant search for anything confidence building, and I truly believe that's what makes me and what keeps me a great artist. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my passions. I cant wait to work with you and be a part of your special day.

You are beautiful. You are capable. You are worthy.

With love,


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